
Ultimate WordPress Polls For Your Website In 2021

Looking for WordPress polls that can keep you updated with your consumers’ reviews plus help you forecast the results? Luckily for you, WPForms has a Surveys and Polls addon just for this and we are here to tell you all about it.

WPForms is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to integrate extra features such as an email newsletter subscription checkbox in your contact form. The easy drag & drop WordPress form builder allows you to create contact forms, online surveys, donation forms, order forms, and other WordPress forms in just a few minutes without writing any code.

In this article, we will explain all the details of WPForms Survey and Polls, from how you can create a poll to how you can utilize it for the best results. But before we jump to that, let us tell you how surveys and polls can be beneficial for business.

How do Surveys and Polls help your business?

Be it a survey or a poll, you will be able to get valuable feedback from your customers via this method than emails and ratings.

Keep yourself in the place of your customer. Will you respond to an email sent by site asking for feedback or will you rather answer a poll that pops up when you are on the site? To be honest, many people don’t even check their emails regularly unless it is highly important. And many emails never make it out of spam.

So, creating a WordPress poll that contains questions tailored to suit your intent is the best way to gauge public opinion.

While a survey is mainly used to gather a large number of statistical data, polls rather come in handy to get a public opinion about a particular product or topic. It is up to you to decide which form will suit your requirements the best.

WPForms Surveys and Polls


There are many tools that allow you to create polls. But we have found WPForms to be the most effective. From proper analysis to reporting, this tool lets you have the most out of polls and surveys.

With WPForms Surveys and Polls addon you can create surveys and polls that not only fulfill your purpose but the results are also organized. You have the full freedom to change the visualization type till you find what sits right with you. WPForms also allows you to place the poll wherever you deem it best.

Even when everyone votes their mind, they like to see what the trend is. By enabling the poll results feature, WPForms gives you the choice to let your visitors know the trend. As soon as they submit the poll, the trend for each option becomes visible to them.

Now, what good is a survey result if you can’t share it with anyone, say your manager or even the general public? WPForms presents you with three choices for this issue. You can share the results of your survey in the form of PDF or JPG.

You can also print it if you want with a single click. And not just the regular old print option other tools offer. WPForms has a wide range of print styles along with graph/visualization styles.

You can have a look on this video for more better understanding.

We already published a bunch of tutorials related to WPForms features, you can check them from below:


Now that you know how WPForms Survey and Polls addon works, check out the tutorial below to create a poll to drive the best results with minimum effort.

How to create WordPress polls for your website

Here we have prepared a step-by-step guide for you to create a poll or survey with WPForms. The only thing you need before getting started is a WPForms Pro subscription.

You can get it from this link at a discounted price.


STEP 1: Install the WPForms Plugin

Install WPForms

Log in to your WordPress admin panel and open the Plugin section. Click on add new and search for “WPForms” Once you have installed the plugin, activate it.

STEP 2: Activate the Surveys and Polls addon

You cannot start creating polls right away after installing the plugin. For this, you need to install the Survey and Polls addon designed especially for the purpose of creating polls.

Click on WPForms>>Addons. Install the Surveys and Polls addon from there and activate it to start making polls.

STEP 3: Create a Poll form

Poll Form

Now that you have the tool to create a poll the next step is how you go about that. To create a poll, go to WPForms and click on Add New. You will get many template options.

Click on the Poll Form template. Now you are free to edit a poll in the form editor.

STEP 4: Customise your Poll Form

customize form

WPForms gives you many choices to customize your poll form in a way that best suits your intent. Their intuitive form builder allows you to change the format of your poll to inline, one column, two columns, or three columns.

In addition, you can change the image choice style and the visualization type too.

STEP 5: Enable Poll Results

Enable Poll Results

Now that you have created a poll, all that remains to do is enable poll results and embed the poll form onto your website. This way your visitors can see the trend once they have input their feedback.

To display poll results on your website, open Settings and go to Surveys and Polls. Tick the checkbox that says Enable Poll Results. Once you have done this open Confirmation in Settings.

Here you can draft a custom message that will appear on the screen confirming that your visitors have filled the poll form. Save the message and see your poll live on your website.

Final Words

Now you know how to create a poll on your WordPress site. With the help of WPForms addon, you can create surveys and even share the results.

Be it a complex survey or a simple poll, you can create one with drag & drop ease. In addition, you get smart survey fields, real-time polls reports, and customizable print styles. And to think that it doesn’t even cost much!

WPForms help you focus on each customer individually as it allows you to create personalized survey questions based on user’s previous polls’ replies. With the addition of two new form templates- survey and poll- this tool promise to give you the best results.

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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram

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