
How to Boost Conversions Like Crazy with Coupon Popups

Looking for ways to boost conversions and maximize sales on your online business and get rid of problems like cart abandonment? Then you have landed at the right place.

In this era where online stores are growing at a rapid rate, having only visitors on your site will not help you beat the competition. You need to convert your visitors into buyers. There are various ways you can achieve your goal. A smart and simple way to achieve this is through a coupon popup.

In this article, we will tell you how you can boost conversions with popup coupons.

What is a Coupon Popup?

A coupon popup can be used to boost sales of your e-commerce store. It pops up on the screen and gives visitors that little nudge they need towards making a purchase.

Different sites use different coupons ranging from spin the wheel popup to coupon codes. Discount coupons are the most prevalent ways to convert visitors into customers because obviously everyone loves discounts. And when a coupon pops up with a discount code, where you only have to copy-paste the code, there are only a few who shy away from putting it to use.

Now it is very necessary to know when and where to put the popup coupons. If popups randomly appear on the screen, it may do more damage than good. Exit-intent coupons are designed with the main purpose of converting even leaving visitors into customers. These also reduce the number of cart abandonments.

You can also use popup coupons offering special discounts to visitors who check out your e-store for the first time. This entices them to turn into a customer as it benefits them too.

Now that you know how popup coupons can boost your conversions, check out the tutorial to create an eye catchy coupon with minimum effort.

How to create coupons using OptinMonster?

There are many software that allows you to create coupon popups. But we have found OptinMonster to be the most effective tool. This lead generation software lets you customize your popup in multiple ways.

But, before you can start creating amazing coupon popups, You need to have the OptinMonster license to get the coupon popup feature. You can use the below link to get it now at a discounted rate for BlogsGeek readers.

Here we have prepared a step-by-step guide for you to create a popup coupon with OptinMonster once you have activated the OptinMonster plugin on your WordPress site-:

STEP 1: Create a Campaign

Once you log in to your OptinMonster account, you’ll see a ‘Create Campaign’ button on the dashboard. Click on that button and then choose a campaign type.

Image Source- OptinMonster

STEP 2: Choose a Template and Theme

Once you have picked a campaign type, the next step is to choose a template. Find the template you like and click on the “Use Templates” button.

Next, you have to choose a theme for your popup. Rather than going with the standard themes and templates, try to create it such that it matches the vibe of your site and its purpose.

Image Source- OptinMonster

OptinMonster has over 30 fully customizable templates, with different layouts and color schemes. It also has the Canvas technology that lets you design your own desired template.

STEP 3: Name your Campaign

Now that you are done with the template and the theme, you have to enter the name of your campaign. Once you do this, you can choose the website you want to display the popup on.

Image Source- OptinMonster

Click on Start Building to customize your popup.

STEP 4: Customize your Popup Coupon

Once you press the Start Building button you will be transported to the drag and drop campaign builder of OptinMonster.

You can pick tools from the left-hand side of the dashboard to customize your popup and see the preview on the right-hand side. OptinMonster allows you to change the headline, add an image, change background colour, add a border, and much more. This enables you to tailor your popup coupon to match your campaign.


Once you have customized your popup coupon, click on the Save button in the top right corner of the builder.

STEP 5: Set Up Delivery of Your Coupon Code

This step ensures that your customers receive their coupons once they hit the submit button. It is quite easy to send coupons automatically via mail after you have enabled your email service provider integration.

Image Source- OptinMonster

OptinMonster also offers the feature of Success view to deliver coupons. You can simply edit the success message to type in the coupon code or redirect visitors to a new page.

STEP 6: Set Display Rule

You can now configure the default Display settings or change the Display rules to modify the coupon.

Next, you have to choose when will the coupon pop up. OptinMonster allows you to display coupons on a particular page, to specific visitors, at specific times, and in specific locations with geo-targeting.

Image Source- OptinMonster

You can set the popups to appear when as soon as the visitors click on your site or you can create exit-intent coupons. These pop up when the visitor is about to exit your site. You can change these settings in the Display Rules tab on your campaign’s dashboard.

STEP 7: Preview and Publish your Coupon Code

Image Source- OptinMonster

Now that you have customized your coupon and saved the changes, you can go ahead and publish it. Click on the Publish tab and turn on the toggle status to make the campaign live.


If you still have any problems you can watch the step-by-step guide on creating coupon popups.

Final Words

Now you know the most efficient way to boost conversions on your site and maximize sales. The best part about popup coupons is that they not only boost conversion rates but also help retain existing customers. You can modify your settings so that the popup appears on the screen when you want it.

A popup coupon benefits both the customers as well as the site owners. It improves the engagement rate as well as sales. Trends show that an e-commerce store can raise its sales by 85% with the help of popup coupons.

So, if you are still not using popup coupons on your site, now is the time to change that. Customize your coupon the way you want and see your conversions spike with minimum effort.

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Howdy Geeks, I'm Aditya, a young passionate blogger & digital marketer from India. Living a digital life since 2011 and helping people optimize their websites. Get me On Facebook Instagram

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